Main axis of the plot

New Duke Gardens
Category: Houses, Residential, Monuments, Residences
Client: Private
Year: 2024 -
Status: Building Permission stage
Area: 2 ha
Architects: Ligia Krajewska, Jakub Pstraś, Bartosz Plaza
Location: Lower Silesia

Main house and recreational building with views on the swimming pond
Historically, the property in question was cultivated gardens belonging to the ducal estate, forming part of the castle’s residence and farm complex.

Transparent living area open to surrounding gardens
The northwestern boundary of the plot in question is still marked by a long, in places heavily damaged, brick wall, stretching along the access street and once reaching the barn-stables. The northeastern border of the plot is bounded by an old river bed escarpment, which is a remnant of the former course of the river bed. On the area of the plot, subject to strict conservation protection, a complex of three residential buildings has been designed, consisting of a residential building, an outbuilding with a greenhouse and a recreational building with a sauna area.
The architectural concept was designed to respect the historical and cultural context of the site. The designed communication refers to the historical layout of roads and paths located on the plot. The historic axis of the entrance to the site has been preserved, constituting the main traffic avenue of the plot, from which additional pedestrian paths diverge into the site. The designed buildings relate in character to the manor buildings through orthogonal layout, longitudinal proportions and material solutions used in the design.

Situational Plan
The historic wall located on the plot, which is under conservation protection, is planned to be restored with the reconstruction of damaged spans. The project envisages the withdrawal of a section of the historic wall in relation to a row of trees along the road, in order to protect it from renewed root overgrowth.
The project also envisages cleaning up the greenery on the plot while preserving as many existing trees and shrubs as possible. New plantings of both high and low greenery are planned, as well as the creation of an orchard in the western part of the plot. An ecological swimming pond has also been designed, as a reference to the historical course of the old riverbed of the local river within the boundaries of the property in question.
The residential building, which is the main element of the development, was placed in the central point of the plot, at the main traffic axis. The building was designed in the shape of an elongated cuboid covered with a symmetrical gable roof. Its dimensions, form and materials used are directly reflected in the architecture of the nearby historic buildings of the Duke Farm. The massive tiled roof was designed on brick supports arranged in a regular modular rhythm, referring to the visible Prussian wall structures of the nearby buildings. Exterior partitions placed between the supports were withdrawn deep into the eaves, creating a rich tectonics of the facade with brick, wood or glass infill.

House's floor plan


Urban composition